Category: Uncategorized
I Love You
So, I am here to champion loving oneself because I believe it is the greatest gift we can give to the we world. Through loving ourselves we can truly love others. We can share from wholehearted place of pure unconditional love, because we know what that feels and looks like as we are already giving it to ourselves.…
Light Shadows
It has been an interesting time. There’s been a lot at play within me and I have been observing it and waiting for it to pass. Using my toolkit to try and help get myself get back to the version of myself that I am most comfortable with being and sharing. However, from a place…
In the Silence
Everyone has their own personal reality from which they live and see the world. No two are identical, like a fingerprint, we all have our own individual lens. I think a fundamental issue in society is thinking that people view things the same and if not, that they should. Rather than inquisitive curiosity at uncovering…
Dream Yourself Awake
As I further awaken from sleepwalking, the messages in my head and what I experience in my surroundings are increasingly aligned. You would call it spooky or weird if you didn’t accept that with an awareness that we are the creators and the knowledge that we create our own reality that you can start to…
Peace. So now, what?
I’ve had an incredible week. Something has shifted in me. I was growing so so tired of the repetition of my old narrative. My ego’s attachment to my story and my pain. Going over and over all the significant events that caused heavy limiting beliefs. I am so happy and grateful for all the experiences…
How are you feeling? Really?
Now officially two months without my old pal booze, I have been navigating some pretty big emotions. I guess I knew I was signing up for this and my whole aim was to allow myself to navigate the darkness so that I can move forward living in the light. I am pretty sure I have…
I am Safe. I am Grounded. I am Home.
Am I searching the ends of the earth for missing pieces, answers, precious gold? Am I seeking what cannot be found in physical form? Am I distracting from the pain of a wound and trying to escape my shadow? Am I hiding in new corners or truly exploring this beautiful Earth? Am I simply navigating…
Knowing When to Leave
I’ve written this many times before. I’ve almost finished it a few times and then started rewriting when the inquiry presented itself again. What I intended to use it for I wasn’t quite sure, but the query lingered with me. I can’t count the number of times I’ve stayed too long; in relationships, places or…
Shedding Skin
For the past few weeks, whenever someone asks how I am doing, an image of a snake shedding its skin appears in my mind’s eye. The outer old layer, which no longer fits, still encasing its form. Carrying on, aware of its presence, waiting for it to shed and become anew. Frustrated but accepting and…