Free Spirit | Spirit Free

Unlocking Our True Essential Nature

The Decision

The decision to live a spirit free year certainly wasn’t an easy one. Nor was it made overnight.

Ever wondered where it all began?

  • In the Silence

    In the Silence

    Everyone has their own personal reality from which they live and see the world. No two are identical, like a fingerprint, we all have our own individual lens.…

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  • Dream Yourself Awake

    Dream Yourself Awake

    As I further awaken from sleepwalking, the messages in my head and what I experience in my surroundings are increasingly aligned. You would call it spooky or weird…

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  • Peace. So now, what?

    Peace. So now, what?

    I’ve had an incredible week. Something has shifted in me. I was growing so so tired of the repetition of my old narrative. My ego’s attachment to my…

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  • How are you feeling? Really?

    How are you feeling? Really?

    Now officially two months without my old pal booze, I have been navigating some pretty big emotions. I guess I knew I was signing up for this and…

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  • I am Safe. I am Grounded. I am Home.

    I am Safe. I am Grounded. I am Home.

    Am I searching the ends of the earth for missing pieces, answers, precious gold? Am I seeking what cannot be found in physical form? Am I distracting from…

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  • Knowing When to Leave

    Knowing When to Leave

    I’ve written this many times before. I’ve almost finished it a few times and then started rewriting when the inquiry presented itself again. What I intended to use…

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